Beispiel aus dem Management, lektorat beispiel

Beispiel aus dem Management

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    Original Datei

    Beispiel aus dem Management, lektorat beispiel

    Bearbeitete Datei

    Beispiel aus dem Management, lektorat beispiel


    Remark 1:
    Note that the original sentence was unclear and has been revised for clarity. Please check for any change in the intended meaning.

    Remark 2:
    Please check if the highlighted text should be revised to “Several retailers are approaching with huge investments” for clarity.

    Remark 3:
    Note that the term “expound” means to “explain.” We believe that you are referring to an “increase” in this sentence. Therefore, we suggest that you revise the term to “expedites” instead for accuracy.

    Remark 4:
    Note that unlike the other points, this point lacks remedial measures. Please check, and revise for consistency.


    [Explanation1]: Language:
    By adding the word “projected” here, the flow of information and clarity have been improved.

    [Explanation2]: Grammar:
    A superlative adjective is preceded by the definite article “the.”

    [Explanation3]: Language:
    The formal phrase “the next” suits the tone of the document.

    [Explanation4]: Typographical error:
    The spelling error has been eliminated.

    [Explanation5]: Word choice:
    Note that the English word choice has been improved.

    [Explanation6]: Grammar:
    The correct form of the verb (preparing) has been used here.

    [Explanation7]: Grammar:
    Since “market” is used in the business context, the definite article has been added.

    [Explanation8]: Language clarity:
    The revision has been made for clarity. Further, the remark inserted advises the author to check for any meaning change that could occur in sentence reconstruction.

    [Explanation9]: Punctuation:
    The missing comma has been placed after the introductory transition word.

    [Explanation10]: Language:
    Informal English has been replaced with formal English in accordance with the academic tone of the document.

    [Explanation11]: Grammar:
    “Consumer” has been changed to “consumers” for grammatical correctness.

    [Explanation12]: Punctuation:
    Comma has been added here to keep the clarity of the sentence intact and avoid ambiguity.

    [Explanation13]: Style:
    We have followed American English in this document. Therefore, a serial comma has been added here.

    [Explanation14]: Language:
    "There are" is not technically incorrect; however, a strong, definite subject makes the meaning clear and the sentence dynamic.

    [Explanation15]: Style:
    The ampersand symbol has been changed to “and” to maintain the academic formal tone of the document.

    [Explanation16]: Language:
    Note that "might" is the correct modal to use here as it denotes possibility in a much better sense than “shall.”

    [Explanation17]: Punctuation:
    The en dash is the correct punctuation to use with a range (US$ 500–700 billion).

    [Explanation18]: Grammar:
    The incorrect preposition has been deleted.

    [Explanation19]: Punctuation:
    The missing end punctuation has been added here.

    [Explanation20]: Grammar:
    When “next” is used before “few years/decade/century,” it must be preceded by the definite article “the.”

    [Explanation21]: Punctuation:
    A comma is required after an introductory prepositional phrase.

    [Explanation22]: Typographical error:
    The typographical errors have been rectified.

    [Explanation23]: Punctuation:
    This word requires an apostrophe as we are referring to a possessive noun.

    [Explanation24]: Grammar:
    The correct preposition has been added here.

    [Explanation25]: Word Choice:
    Advance editing checks titles and headings and ensures that they accurately reflect the content.

    [Explanation26]: Language:
    The sentence has been reconstructed for conciseness and readability.

    [Explanation27]: Language:
    The sentence has been edited for clarity. The remark here advises the author to check for any meaning change that could occur in sentence reconstruction.

    [Explanation28]: Grammar:
    The missing verb has been added here for correctness.

    [Explanation29]: Language:
    The author is informed of any inconsistency in presentation of information.

    [Explanation30]: Consistency:
    Each bulleted point begins with capital letter; consistency has been maintained.

    [Explanation31]: Punctuation:
    The hyphen is required in this compound modifier.

    [Explanation32]: Word Choice:
    The word change here suits the formal tone and intended meaning of the document.

    [Explanation33]: Language:
    The word change here suits the formal tone of the document.

Die im Beispieldokument aufgeführten Erläuterungen zu vorgenommenen Änderungen dienen ausschließlich der Veranschaulichung. Üblicherweise werden derartige Erläuterungen nicht in lektorierten Dokumenten aufgeführt.

Englisch Lektorat, Englisch Korrektorat, Englisch Korrektur, Englisch Korrekturlesen, Korrekturen Englisch